The Show

This is just another post that is meant to rant about nothing, or everything. It will eventually return to me once the water has finished boiling, the eggs hatching and the ice cubes melting. In the meantime, I might as well go on and sluice down my mind before I take on Maxwell and Carnot for another go.

There's always something interesting about the fact I find so much amusement in everything as of late. As a dear friend pointed out, I have a front row seat with popcorn gazing at the spectacle ahead of me. It can be cruel to think this way but I'd much rather hope for a happy ending rather than a parodic one. Therefore, I can either smile or roll in the aisles with laughter. I can finally say I understand the true meaning of a Tragicomedy.

So what happens at the very end? Do the actors step out of roll to greet the audience or do they themselves fall victim to this farce? Too bad that I will have already walked out on this performance long before its ending. I only await the culminating smash.

Not that I'm not enjoying it...